Friday, May 1, 2015

Delirious poppies

Made with tempera.

Fata morgana

Made in GIMP, using personal textures.

Julee Cruise

Made with gouache.

Elizabeth Fraser

Made with gouache.

White poppies

Made with tempera.

Diamanda Galás

Made with gouache.

Also available online here, on Diamanda's website: 

Shattered self

Made with tempera.


Made with self-mixed tempera from dry pigment and emulsion


Made with black ink & pen, on an improvised canvas out of a book's cover

Social smokers

Made with black ink & pen, tempera paint and HB granite; canvas is silk-fiber paper.

The pupeteer

Made with black ink & pen; canvas is silk-fiber paper.

Melan Khole

Made with black ink & pen; canvas is silk-fiber paper.


Made with black ink & pen; canvas is silk-fiber paper.


Made with black ink & pen, and tempera paint; canvas is silk-fiber paper.


What does a 21st century schizoid lady have to do with art?

A 21st century schizoid lady lives in the inner world she is building. You can experience this world in her art.

What is her art about?

Human nature: emotions, empathy, morality, survival. Synesthesia in portraits. The unconscious mind: introspection & observation, in strange creatures and settings.

What kind of media does Iustina use?

Usually, painting (tempera, acrylic, gouache, watercolour), drawing (ink, wax crayons, graphite), visual poetry, GIMP, Photoshop. But always willing to try new kinds of media!


My style is heavily influenced by expressionism, symbolism and surrealism. The portraits I make capture the essence of the personality I study. Whereas the decorative art I make conveys sublimation. I create a contrast between the gravity of the concept and the diaphane of the form. I explore themes such as the unconscious or socio-political subjects.

#expressionism, #symbolism, #surrealism